Work is well underway on the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation program.
Quite frankly I’m excited about this, really excited.
I know there are a number of people who have been a bit negative about the revitalisation plans, mainly whether or not we need a new library and where it should be, but I think it will be a good thing for Beaudesert on a number of levels.
When my children were little (and they are around 20 years of age now), we loved going to Jubilee Park and the library there. We spent hours there, walking with the pram from the house to the park – and that was before the new playground equipment went in.
We also loved going to the library. My girls gained a love of reading through these visits, but we occasionally ventured to libraries on the Gold Coast or in Logan and they were a whole different world!
They had reading pods, lighter, brighter and more spacious rooms and it was an absolute delight for the kids and I to go to.
I’m not saying there was anything wrong with Beaudesert Library then or now, but in comparison it was and is cramped and dark.
I know it is a long way off but I’m excited to have the centre of town looking amazing.
I’m even more excited about the drainage work that is being done currently.
We keep our papers and anything that can be water damaged on pallets in case our office in the centre of Beaudesert floods, so having better drainage in town will be a huge bonus for a number of businesses.
Keep it coming Council – can’t wait to see it when it is all finished!