
Who do you want to be in 2025?

Holiday time is a time to relax and let go of the labels we can put on ourselves. So often we can find our worth in our work title or label. Yet, holidays is the chance to go away & just be, let go of those labels and just be […]


Mercy is seen

‘Mercy is the action of doing something about the suffering in our world’.  In a world, full of war and waste – country is calling to us: Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.  More than ever before, mercy is what our world needs, especially this Christmas. He gives us courage to heal the […]

Image of large tree in park with sunlight filtering through


By Fr Ken Spreadborough Have you acquired your Advent Calendar yet to help you celebrate the 24 days leading up to Christmas?  Local stores are full of them, but what does it all mean?  Advent comes from the Latin “ad” meaning “to” and “venire” meaning “to come”.  So Advent is […]


Remembrance Day

Lest We Forget !! In a sense our remembering this week of those fallen is different, but not unlike the words penned by the Apostle Paul. A Short reading From the Apostle Paul to the Believers at Philippi Philippians 2:5-11 TLB[5] Your attitude should be the kind that was shown […]

Father Kevin Njoku.

No, trust His plans!

What causes a lot of frustration for us is when our plans don’t eventuate.  We thought by this time we’d be further in our career; have met someone, wouldn’t still be dealing with trouble at work, with illness, relationships etc.  When I finished university back home, I prayed and believed […]

Money Troubles

Money Troubles

We have a problem. The cost of living pressures are being felt by many and it is starting to show. But there is a hidden and destructive issue that shocked me. While places like Las Vegas and Macau are synonymous with gambling, Australians are the world leaders.  Per capita, Australians […]

McAuley College Campus Minister Jess O’Donoghue (centre)

God is in Beaudesert

God is present in Beaudesert.My highlight of the last three years in Beaudesert was ABIDE, on Aug 9th.Where 82 young people, united together in faith for Beaudesert’s first combined praise & worship night! It was so special as Beaudesert’s three youth groups YMAD – Beaudesert Baptist, Youth Ignited – Harvest […]



DURING the last few months we have been inundated by the media with so much about the athletes at the Olypmic and Para Olympic Games – with the sacrafices they have had to make; the extreme effort they have needed to put into their training and all for the joy […]

Scenic Rim Uniting Church

You are the light 

By Rev. Dr Je Cheol Cook, Parish Minister of Scenic Rim Uniting Church. Our Lord Jesus says in Matthew 5:14, “You are like light for the whole world.”  Light has several meanings. It shines in our world brightly. And it gives us heat and warmth.  I like the sun in winter […]

Josh Cocks

Redeem the Time

By Pastor Josh Cocks (Beaudesert Baptist Church) I find winter frustrating. Not because it is cold, but the days are so short and it is hard to get things done! Technically, it is only the amount of day light hours that are less, but I am glad that we are […]