Alice Love (centre) celebrates her 103rd birthday with family and friends

103 years lived well

ALICE Gladys May Love (née Vicary) was born in Mount Morgan on April 28, 1921, one of nine children. She passed away at the age of 103 years, and ironically would have been 104 exactly 103 days later. Alice left school at 15 years of age to work in a […]

CLOSED: Camping sites on farms are caught in a Council crackdown

Council crackdown closes campgrounds

SOME Scenic Rim farmers hosting ‘Hip Camp’ campers on their properties were given less than a week to comply with Scenic Rim Regional Council regulations or close their camping operations following a crackdown by Council. The Canungra Times spoke to several affected farmers who agreed on the condition that they […]

Work continues outside the Woolworths complex

Roadworks still set for March completion

THE eastern side of Brisbane Street is the new focus of Beaudesert’s roadworks. Business owners are battling dust and noise but they are grateful to the local people who continue to support them. A Council spokesperson said these works will continue for the next four weeks while 11 gully pits […]

Debbie and John Reid outside their Tina Street home. Photo by Larraine Sathicq.

A frightening night as water pours in

Tina Street residents, John and Debbie Reid has a long, frightening night when six inches of water went through their Tina Street property on November 11. The couple, who have lived in the home for over 30 years, spent the night trying to mitigate water racing under their home, worried […]


Restocker Steers hit hot competition at Beaudesert

Agents Bartholomew & Co reported a dearer market for all descriptions at their Beaudesert Store Sale on Saturday.   Soaking rain created fierce competition for lines of replacement steers, with results exceeding vendor expectations. The Beaudesert Store Sale results were: The next Beaudesert Store Sale will be held on Saturday, December 7, […]

A Bigg fight

A Bigg fight

BOXER Dylan ‘The Storm’ Biggs overcame opponent Kamal Kant easily with a knock out in Round One of the fight. Biggs dropped Kant three times in the first round before the knock out was declared. Prior to the fight, Biggs was confident about moving from super welter weight to middle […]

Tina Street nightmare continues

Tina Street nightmare continues

RESIDENTS in the southern end of Tina Street have again been distressed by works to associated with the construction of 79 townhouses in Jane Street. Tina Street residents, Jeremy Smith and Shelly Currie said they were not informed about asbestos removal works carried out at the front of their homes […]

Ian Gough and Steve Mackie with the Mean Machine

2024 Beaudesert Heritage Truck Show

The Heritage Truck Association of Australia Inc.’s heritage truck show provided an extensive static display featuring heritage trucks, tractors and cars on show at Beaudesert Showground. Over 100 trucks were displayed each day, with a steady stream of visitors enjoying the nostalgia of the old trucks.

Cr Jennifer Sanders at dog park. Image supplied.

A Christmas gift for our canine friends

Work on Beaudesert’s long awaited dog park has commenced, with the possibility the park will open before Christmas. A Council spokesperson said works which are now under way will take three to four weeks to complete, followed by three weeks for the turf to become established, so that, weather permitting, […]


Cracking season for Junior Kingfishers

BEAUDESERT Kingfishers Under 13s to Under 17s celebrated a great season with a presentation night at Beaudesert Bowls Club. Kingfisher Vice-President, Justin Kummerow congratulated the players, their parents and supporters on an outstanding season. “Last night was spent celebrating the great season all the teams had showcasing how much all […]