Local volunteers were up at the crack of dawn to start yarnbombing the Beaudesert town centre on 24 November.
See more photos at end of story.
The Beaudesert Bulletin spotted Kym Rooks, Debby Reid, Sarah Grodecki, Aileen Cooper, Yvonne Berry and Vicki McAteer stitching crochet pieces to trees and poles at Central Place bright and early, before the heat of the day.
Beaudesert’s Christmas Spirit Committee is asking everyone to please come along on Sunday 27 November at 4pm to help get the Christmas decorations up in town, meeting at Central Place outside Wright’s Jewellers.
Helpers are also welcome daily from 5.30am and 4pm to 6pm until all decorations are up for 1 December.
To keep up to date, follow Beaudesert Christmas Yarnbombers and Beaudesert’s Christmas Spirit on Facebook.