CWA keeps community cosy

Rene Porter and Cheri Crawford from Beaudesert CWA

Winter has just started and already Beaudesert CWA volunteers have knitted and crocheted hundreds of items for local aged care residents and newborn babies, people who are homeless and those who have escaped domestic violence.

Crafting these cosy goods is part of what goes on when members meet every other Thursday morning at their hall on the main street of Beaudesert for craft.

On 23 June, they will throw open their doors for a morning of cosy fun including a continuous raffle, morning tea and their annual branch knitting and crocheting competition.

All welcome at cosy CWA event

The Country Women’s Association hall on the main street of Beaudesert will be the place to be when CWA members throw open their doors on 23 June.

At one end of the hall, they’ll be running a continuous raffle and at the other they’ll have their annual branch knitting and crocheting competition.

The urn will be hot for cuppas all morning and there will be plenty of delicious home baked morning tea to go round.

It’s an opportunity to spend the morning with some of the local women who work away behind the scenes to craft handmade goods to support people from across the community, especially as the mercury drops.

When the Beaudesert Bulletin caught up with members in the lead-up to their 23 June event, the hall was a hive of activity for their fortnightly Thursday morning craft.

They worked away on all kinds of projects, caught up on one another’s latest news over a cuppa and organised bags upon bags of their handcrafted cosy beanies and scarves, booties, blankets and soft toys for distribution to local recipients.

President Bev Fehlberg said the CWA crafted knitted and crocheted goods for Whiddon Star Gardens, Wongaburra Aged Care, Jimboomba Community Aged Care, Jymbilung House, Beaudesert Hospital, the Beaucare shower unit and the homeless and domestic violence support services at Beaudesert Uniting Church.

Lyn Bruce and Kerry Anne Thomas from Beaudesert CWA are happy to welcome new faces at the 23 June event

She said further afield, Beaudesert branch members’ work even extended as far as making tiny jumpers to keep penguins warm.

Bev said everybody was welcome to come along and be part of the fun on 23 June.

The CWA continuous raffle event will be on from 9.15am Thursday, 23 June.

Entry is $5 and includes morning tea, and continuous raffle tickets are $1 each.

For more information, phone Bev on 0427 698 519.

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About Susie Cunningham 567 Articles
Susie is an experienced journalist with a love of sharing local stories and being part of the community. She is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Beaudesert Bulletin, Canungra Times and Tamborine Mountain News.