Local children and the Beaudesert RSL Sub Branch Women’s Auxiliary have brought a smile to elderly people throughout the region through the simple but kind gesture of a Christmas card.
The Auxiliary received a significant response from local schools to their sixth annual Christmas card project this year, delivering nearly 2000 Christmas cards for school children to write in.
Joanne Heit from the Auxiliary said the project had grown from strength to strength.
“Originally the students from grades three to six would write cards to soldiers who were serving overseas and unable to be home for Christmas with family,” she said.
“As nearly all of these soldiers are now based in Australia and with Covid happening we switched last year to get the children to write a card for an elderly person.
“Due to Covid, there were many restrictions which caused heartache for many families when they could not visit their loved ones in the festive season.
“We heard from many of these elderly that received cards last year that it was the highlight for them, especially those that no longer have any remaining family.
“Some were brought to tears when they spoke to us of the joy they felt that children would take the time to do this out of respect for our older citizens.”
She thanked everyone involved in the project for their efforts.
“This year the response from the schools was enormous, with some schools having children from prep through to year six participating.,” she said.
“We really need to thank these schools for participating, the teachers for all their assistance and the children for their time and precious words, which go on to mean so much to so many people.
“These cards will be distributed to local nursing homes…and also to the organisations who look after the elderly in their own homes.
“If you wish to assist with this project, we are always looking for card donations towards this as this year we delivered almost 2000 cards to schools. We take this time to say a massive thank you and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”