Still Rolling at 90!

Emmanuel Magro bowls twice a week at Beaudesert Bowls Club.
Emmanuel Magro bowls twice a week at Beaudesert Bowls Club.

Not everyone takes up a new sport at 70, but when Emmanuel Magro started bowling about 20 years ago, he wasn’t making a short term plan.

The energetic 90 year old celebrated his birthday on 3 December.  

The celebrations continued during the week  at Beaudesert Bowls Club with a pairs game followed by lunch and a special presentation.

His agility and fitness is incredible, given he had a spinal injury in 1979 and was not expected to walk again.  

Sadly this ended his successful nursing career, but the determined Emmanuel recovered, eventually walking from the hospital and pursuing a new career in sales.

Emmanuel moved to Beaudesert from Sydney in 1987.  

He originally planned to move to the Gold Coast.  

“I realised my wife was terrified of water, so we moved from one suburb to another,” he recalled.

“Then I said “we’ll go that way (pointing west)”.  My wife said “What’s that way?” and I said “It’s called Beaudesert – we’ll give it a try”.”

“The road from the Gold Coast to Beaudesert wasn’t as good as it is today, but I thought “I’m not going to travel it every day”.”  

The couple bought 56 acres in the Kerry Valley where they intended to raise Angora Goats.    However the market sky rocketed and Emmanuel decided to breed Murray Grey cattle on the property instead.

The cattle became very quiet and tame, to the point where Emmanuel could sit on the bulls he owned and whistle to call them to him.

When his wife became ill with cancer and passed away, Emmanuel moved to Gleneagle.

He says when he started bowling he knew nothing about it but liked the idea of it.

He has since made great friends and keeps fit by playing twice a week, often representing Beaudesert Bowls Club in pennants competitions.

Emmanuel remarried and celebrated his 90th birthday with his son and wife on the Gold Coast.

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About Keer Moriarty 486 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.