Who do you want to be in 2025?

Holiday time is a time to relax and let go of the labels we can put on ourselves. So often we can find our worth in our work title or label. Yet, holidays is the chance to go away & just be, let go of those labels and just be who we are. Here we find the new & eternal label – that if we listen closer we can hear ‘we are loved. God’s beloved. This label we can wear deep on hearts, if we choose to this year. Love and love others.

These holidays, I had the opportunity to spend 3 weeks in the remote Aboriginal Community of Wadeye. Here working with the team of women, sitting barefoot in t he dirt. Learning language and hearing culture fully alive, I let go of my work title being a campus minister, just be. I learnt so much more about the people’s ancient wisdom and what life is truly about. Country and Family, despite the injustices they face. I know that this year going forward I never want to forget them & let this experience dictate my year and who I want to be.

I recently ran a retreat for 12 Beaudesert. We did the tree too challenge and I asked the teenagers this question ‘If this zipline represents your year, who do you want to be at the end of it? How can you be consistent in who you are & who God is calling you to be?’.

Address the needs you see in the world.

If so, there would be less depression and anxiety. Living our lives out do that eternal wellspring of purpose, which is God. 

So, this applies to all people. What is an experience you have had these holidays that you want to determine your 2025? Where you have learnt your new and eternal name? Fix your eyes on Jesus & strive to make t he world a better place. 

I’ll finish with the theme scripture of the recent Jan summer camp ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. The author & perfector of our faith’ – Hebrews 12:2-4

By Jess O’Donoghue, McAuley College

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