We have power!

Few things made as much of an impact as the supply of power to the growing township of Beaudesert. 

The Beaudesert Electric Light Authority was established in July 1928 and began supplying power to approximately 200 customers in the town area from crude oil engines which consisted of 2 x twin Ruston Hornsby Vertical Crude oil engine 50-80HP/ 1 x 25HP Horizontal (for the midnight to 8am unattended shift)/ 1 x 140 HP Crossley Engine coupled to a 60 Kw Generator. Total Generation =132Kw. 

If not for the restrictions on expansion imposed by the Commonwealth Government Authority around the time of WWII, the City Electric Light Co would have taken over the Beaudesert Electric Authority in 1941, consumers would have benefited greatly by receiving appreciable tariff rebates and the supply would have extended to rural areas earlier. 

A rate of one shilling and sixpence per unit was the highest rate at that time. 

The vast local electricity network allowed thousands of customers to enjoy a lifestyle unknown to our pioneers. 

A fundraising dinner to celebrate the turning on was held 30 July 1928.

From Smoke Signal newsletter with permission from Historical Society of Beaudesert.  

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About Keer Moriarty 500 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.