Volunteering in a state of change

Meals on Wheels is a local organisation that relies very heavily on volunteers.
Meals on Wheels is a local organisation that relies very heavily on volunteers.

Volunteering Australia is showcasing the benefits and flexibility of volunteering through National Volunteer Week, held from May 20 to May 26, to demonstrate the role of volunteering for those struggling from economic change.

National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering that recognises the gap between current volunteers and the wider community.

Volunteers are vital in supporting our communities and helping those who are struggling in the challenging economic climate.

As a new report from Volunteering Australia features the latest national volunteering data, the report highlights new areas of opportunity that will be discussed throughout National Volunteer Week.

This year’s National Volunteer Week theme will be ‘Something for Everyone’, which highlights the abundance of new opportunities for people to participate and contribute towards change, despite the challenges.

Volunteering Australia is encouraging all people who have thought about volunteering to take the leap and know that there’s a volunteer role for everyone.

“There is a diverse array of opportunities for people in Australia to volunteer within their community alongside something they’re already passionate about. Problems in community are best addressed in community, and volunteers are a big part of that,” CEO of Volunteering Australia Mark Pearce said.

“Getting involved in volunteering can be as simple as sharing your expertise and interests, helping out in your local community, or drawing on your lived experience to support others – there really is a volunteer role for everyone.”

For more information, visitvolunteeringaustralia.org.

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