Teen making a difference

Jon Krause MP with Bill Deeran
Jon Krause MP with Bill Deeran

HAVING a voice in your region’s future when you are in your tender years is no easy task.

Bromelton teenager, Bill Deeran, 16, discovered his opportunity to be heard when he decided to nominate for the YMCA Youth Parliament program.

Bill was selected in the program and now represents the Scenic Rim electorate.

“As a youth member for Queensland, my involvement has culminated in helping draft a proposed legislative bill for the actual MPs of Queensland to review and consider,” he said.

“Our committee has developed the Clean Water Regulation Youth Act 2024, aimed at preserving the integrity of Queensland’s wetlands by establishing stringent standards to prevent water pollution. 

“The key objectives include maintaining the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the wetlands, ensuring pollution does not compromise their longevity, and providing access to sufficient quality standards for all.” 

In addition to the legislative work Bill is also committed to community engagement and is involved in the ‘Holt Bolt’ program.

The program aims to help disadvantaged children achieve their goals through physical training, support work, and job-ready skills development. 

Founded in 2013 it creates opportunities for people of all abilities and ages to share their talents and passions with their community. 

“Through my participation in the YMCA Youth Parliament and community programs like Holt Bolt, I am dedicated to making a positive impact on both the environment and the lives of those in our community,“ Bill said.

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