A proposed development that would see 84 townhouses built on a 23,230m² block in Jane Street has made local residents see red.
The application was submitted to Scenic Rim Regional Council by Zone Planning Group on behalf of Sherlock Construction Homes Pty Ltd on 28 February 2023.
Tina Street resident Jeremy Smith said if the development goes ahead it will leave the quiet suburban street overpopulated.
“There’s not enough space there to handle, I would suggest a minimum of 250 people and anywhere from 168 to 200 cars,” he said.
“It will just end up in a congested mess and I think there will be a lot of conflict as well.”
“We will struggle to get in and out of our driveway because the overflow of traffic will be here.”
Mr Smith, who lost his home in 2017 due to flooding and has since rebuilt, is also concerned about how the showground will be affected by the development.
“How do the showground and the pony club keep doing what they do when the entry and exit are where cattle trucks and horse floats are pulling up.”
Sixteen submission were received during the public notification period, including one from Beaudesert Show Society.
Concerns raised included the proposed density of the two-story dwellings, increased traffic, stormwater and drainage issues and visual amenity.
In her submission, Shelly Butler-Currie said she is not keen to see double story buildings “blocking our view and overseeing our properties. Potentially blocking sunlight and invading our privacy.”
Impact of Show Society events
T J Kelly Surveyors, who prepared the Beaudesert Show Society’s submission, also raised the issue of reverse amenity – the impact on potential residents of the development when the Show Society’s events are being run, with the nearest row of townhouses only 8.5 metres from the Jane Street frontage.
“The activities conducted at the Showgrounds will potentially create issues for the residents of the townhouses by way of noise emissions, odour emissions, dust, and traffic and parking impacts.
“Any such impacts on the townhouses could fetter the use rights and unduly restrict the conduct of events held at the Showgrounds.”
“It is submitted that the townhouse development will compromise the long established use rights of the Showgrounds.”
In response to this, Kassim Mahomed, Principal Planner for Zone Planning Group stated, “A review of the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme does not identify any provisions requiring the Applicant to address reverse amenity from the Showgrounds.”
The public notification closed on 2 June 2023.
Council will review all submissions and the application material before putting the application to a Council meeting in the coming months.