People and their Pets- Penny and the Moxeys

Damien and Cameron Moxey with Penny the dog
Damien and Cameron Moxey with Penny the dog

Penny the black and tan shorthair dachshund cross Maltese was a beautiful accident after a pair of dogs didn’t stick to breeding with their own kind. 

Penny, who is about one and a half, has been part of the Moxey household with Damien, Lauren and their three sons Mitchell, 10, Josh, 9, and Cameron, 5, since she was about eight weeks old. 

Damien said she is a good size for the boys, not too big or scary and with a placid temperament.

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About Susie Cunningham 563 Articles
Susie is an experienced journalist with a love of sharing local stories and being part of the community. She is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Beaudesert Bulletin, Canungra Times and Tamborine Mountain News.