Have Your Say on Beaudesert’s Future

Beaudesert Study Area - from Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041
Beaudesert Study Area - from Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041

Beaudesert residents only have until 27 March to have their say about the future growth of the town and the Scenic Rim area.

Residents in Pacer Avenue, Kerry Road and Sullivan Road could be severely affected by proposed Low Medium Density residential zoning in these areas.

This zoning around Pacer Avenue (defined in the map, right) would potentially see an additional 1,223 dwellings.

Low Medium Density Residential zoning allows for dual occupancy and multiple dwellings. 

An additional 1,158 dwellings are proposed between Kerry and Sullivan Roads, with investigation of Medium Density Residential  zoning.

Council’s Growth Management Strategy Engagement Report dated 18 January 2022 stated that a total of only 348 responses have been received.

Over half of these responses were from Tamborine Village or Tamborine Mountain.  Less than 30 responses have been received from Beaudesert residents.

The responses received  indicated an aversion to multiple dwellings (units and townhouses) and detached housing on smaller lots (less than 500m2), and diminishing support for detached housing on lots of less than 700m2.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said this second phase of community consultation was critical to refine the final strategy.

“With our region’s population growth forecast to increase to more than 67,000 people by 2041, requiring more than 7,600 new jobs and around 11,000 additional dwellings, it’s vital we have strategies to guide and manage this growth,” he said. 

To have your say online on the future of Beaudesert, visit https://letstalk.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/growth-management-strategy before 6 March 2022.

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About Keer Moriarty 500 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.