Hampers Given with Love

Judy Day (front) with Doug Lavers-McBain, Lynn and Joe Luck and Shane Page.
Judy Day (front) with Doug Lavers-McBain, Lynn and Joe Luck and Shane Page.

People in need of a lift this festive season have received hampers given with love by local food charity, Tracey’s Pantry.

The service, named in honour of community-minded local Tracey Day, who passed away due to cancer in 2019, is run by volunteers out of the Beaudesert Uniting Church Op Shop.

This Christmas, demand for the free hampers nearly doubled to about 40 as word spread about their availability and people continued to do it tough due to economic pressures caused by Covid.

The hampers were being distributed on 17 December, after people who needed them put their orders in by 10 December.

Tracey’s mother Judy Day was joined by other local volunteers to put the hampers together through donations from local groups and businesses including the Beaudesert CWA, the local Woolies branch and Emmaus College further afield.

Judy said the hampers would include festive touches to brighten Christmas.

“Puddings or cakes, little fruit mince pies, something in there for the children, fresh fruit and vegetables are among the things we’ve been able to include this year,” she said.

“We’re giving them out with love – people aren’t paying for the Christmas ones.”

Throughout the year, Tracey’s Pantry operates each Friday from 1pm to 3pm, with hampers usually costing $10 to help cover some costs.

Volunteers are always welcome. To be involved, phone Judy Day on 0407 021 424.

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About Keer Moriarty 511 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.