From hospital to the podium – Mt Bike racer takes bronze in world event

A bronze medal at the recent Masters UCI titles in Cairns represented an amazing effort by local Mt Bike downhill racer, Mal Dalton.
A bronze medal at the recent Masters UCI titles in Cairns represented an amazing effort by local Mt Bike downhill racer, Mal Dalton.

Spring Creek’s Mal Dalton has had a love affair with mountain bike racing that has lasted more than 35 years.

Years ago as a fit and dedicated young downhill flyer he took on the best of the best finishing inside the top 30 in two world championships.

Since then he has continued to ride, but his championship tilts were just memories as he closed in on his 61st birthday.

Late last year he decided to have one more shot at a top title after his young nephew told him that a Masters World UCI championship event was schedule for May in Cairns.

“I ramped up my training and all was going well until I hit a tree head first in January and ended up in hospital with severe concussion,” he said.

“It meant an enforced rest and I ended up with just six weeks to prepare before I headed up to Cairns to race.”

Mal’s fighting spirit came to the fore at the titles as he plunged down the tight mountain track and qualified second fastest for the final.

A crash on his final leg robbed him of gold, but he still managed to pick up a bronze medal finishing just 20 seconds behind the winning rider from France and just four seconds behind the second placed Japanese racer.

“The event has rekindled my love for downhill racing and I am now looking to take on other masters and veterans championship events,” Mal said.

Hopefully next time he goes for gold his training won’t be abruptly stopped by a tree.

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