Gender equity in our community
I feel this is too important a matter to not “call out” given the theme of International Womens Day 2022-Break The Bias and similar themes in past years.
As community leaders we as Councillors and in fact all community leaders need to be exhibiting equality in all that we do. I found it particularly disappointing that four of my fellow councillors overruled such sentiments in a recent Council resolution to seek gender equality on the recruitment panel for selecting the new CEO for the Scenic Rim Council.
Gender balance on any recruitment panel has been a very well documented and accepted philosophy in Australia that has been sadly overlooked in this situation.
Council Budget 2022- 2023
Council have held a series of budget discussions for a number of weeks now and as with each year, the process is somewhat challenging with such a broad and varied network of towns and villages, our vast road network across the Scenic Rim and the increasing demands that a growing population places on the region.
Reporting of road concerns
Since the prolonged rain event potholes are still emerging on many Council roads as well as State-controlled roads which are the responsibility of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
To report issues relating to Council roads simply phone 55405111 or email to maial@scenicrim.qld.gov.au and include the road name and location.
For State-controlled roads phone 55636600 or email SouthCoast@tmr.qld.gov.au.
Residents will be seeing increasing emergency recovery works throughout the region and this will be followed up with future works as assessment and funding becomes available from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.
The damage points have exceeded 2,000 across our 11,756 kilometre road network.
Thank goodness for the dry weather we have been experiencing so crews can perform uninterrupted repair work.
Biodiversity strategy report card 2015-2020
Take a look on the Council website for the first report card which highlights numerous successes and projects that have contributed toward enhancement and protection of the region’s spectacular environment.
I would like to sincerely thank our Landcare groups and other environmentally focussed community groups like LAFMA who work tirelessly in a volunteer role to contribute to the biodiversity of our region.
Contact Me
Phone: 5540 5403 or 0407 630 052 or email virginia.w@scenicrim.qld.gov.au.
Canungra Library: I am at the CanungraLibrary again on the second Saturday of the month from 9am till 11am to see residents.