Council Watch – 1 July

Amanda Hay.
Amanda Hay.

The following are my views, not those of the Editor. Any threats of legal action can be directed to me.


Council’s Ordinary Meeting of 21 June 2022 included Selection of an Additional Councillor as Panel Member for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment. There were two nominations: Cr West (nominated by Cr Enright) and Cr Chalk (nominated by Cr Swanborough). 

Diversity was discussed, initially focussing on gender diversity, however it was noted that selection should be “on merit and merit alone”. 

Mayor had plenty to contribute about gender balance, so obviously not expressing any particular leaning! 

It was noted that the selection panel is only selecting a short-list of candidates, not the CEO.

Mayor proposed a procedural motion for a secret ballot for a conscience vote without peer pressure. 

Cr Swanborough commented on the lack of transparency.  Cr McConnell agreed. Vote: Unanimously against.

Vote: For Cr West: Mayor, Div 3 and 4.  For Cr Chalk: everyone else. Cr Chalk was the successful candidate. The three amigos lost out again. 


SRRC’s Customer Satisfaction Survey – the areas of most dissatisfaction reported were Planning and Development and Roads and Footpaths. 

Council acknowledged the (very) low rate of participation of less than 100 from a possible 30,000. The response number seems to make the survey statistically irrelevant. 40% of respondents were from Tamborine Mountain – the most engaged section of the Scenic Rim Community and the least heeded. For an organisation stating it wants to be “customer led”, the survey seems to have been a failure.


Thank you to council for approving grant funds to the Canungra & District Historical Association and the 4275 Collective (the Wallflower Project).

Development Applications

MCU22/052 – 80 Brisbane St, Beaudesert. Beaudesert Hotel. Submitted 13 June 2022. Increase to Gross Floor Area of ground floor, existing bottle shop and drive-through to become a sports bar and a café to be added at the front. The plans look good!

…and another “Minor Change”: MCU22/061 which relates to approved MCU18/157. 224 Four Mile Lane, Boyland. Seeking amendment to 5 conditions “to allow staging for 5 Tourist Cabin sites to operate as a Tourist Park until the Tourist Cabins are ready to be constructed”.

Questions: When there are so many applications to council requesting boundary setback relaxations, does this not indicate that perhaps lot sizes are already too small? Latest one is for Concurrence Agency Referral – Referral for matters Dwellings Setbacks Sheds etc in Picnic Place Canungra on 600sqM.

…and why did it take council’s planning section three weeks to make available on DAP Online a developer’s response to an information request issued six months ago? Council received the response on 1 June and uploaded the documents which are needed to make an informed submission on 21 June 2022; this DA is currently in the public submission stage (MCU21/117).

SRRC Court cases 

No changes to the current “Big Three” – the Pig and Calf Saleyards, and two claims for damages. No new cases filed.

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About Keer Moriarty 511 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.