When the idea to celebrate multiculturalism in the St Mary’s Parish was discussed late last year, the question was asked, “Are we really diverse enough to organise such an event, surely no-one will come?”
The answer was most definitely and people certainly came along to celebrate.
The day began with Mass presided over by Fr Kevin Njoku with the assistance of former Parish Priest, Fr Bernie Gallagher.
The church was almost full with people from Hungary, Malta, Ireland, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Kiribati, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Singapore, America, Columbia, Guatemala and England and the Solomon Islands.
“The Trinitarian God abides in each of us, irrespective of our colour, race, height or culture. We are one, though we are many,” said Fr Kevin.
Having been the parish priest for almost six years, Fr Kevin looks after nine Churches, and nine suburbs.
Having a multicultural community is not a problem, but a challenge that calls for tolerance, patience and openness to learn and accommodate each other.
When you consider the culture (family, ethnicity, majority / minority, etc) in which you grew up, lots may have changed due to your experiences with others.
After mass everyone gathered to share a taste of traditional food and to enjoy some traditional song and dance.
It was a time to hear stories from others and to learn about other cultures.
Quietly sitting back to observe this community gathering from afar, was a perfect opportunity to witness the absolute joy on so many faces, to hear true laughter and joviality, to sense the strengthening of an enriched community and to listen to lips smacking after sampling some delicious food, an opportunity not many of us will get to have very often.
Seeing on a very small scale how we can communicate peacefully with each other, regardless of where they have come from is very humbling.
We thank everyone who helped in bringing this occasion together and thank everyone who joined us. It really was a great day!