The Beaudesert Show Society will run their nine-ring horse program on 29 October after the show’s Saturday equine program was washed out in September.
In a rainy 2022 Beaudesert Show, churned up muddy grounds forced the cancellation of Saturday horse events in the society’s third try at their 125th anniversary show since the pandemic began.
In a show of support for the equine community the Show Society will have another go at running its full Saturday horse program, with the exception of show jumping.
The Beaudesert Community Kindergarten will do catering for the event, giving the local organisation another chance to fundraise.
Chief Horse Steward Leonie Walsh said it would provide a valuable opportunity for competitors to get out and perform amid other events being rained out.
“Show Societies around the state have experienced the same disappointment as ourselves with weather making it impossible to safely run their horse programs on their designated show dates,” she said.
“Everyone is chasing a Royal Show performance to take their precious horses to the next level – the Royal Show rings around Australia.
“In good faith, Beaudesert Show Society is holding their Saturday show equine program to assist competitors in gaining those performance. The only thing stopping us will be inclement weather.
“Please be advised show jumping is not on the program. Our brilliant steward along with his jumps will be at another event that day.”
In a slight change to the entry system, the Society is charging a one-off fee for the day. It will be a horse vehicle entry fee of $30, with no class entry fees and no prize monies.
Mrs Walsh said it would be a performance-driven, cost-effective event for competitors.
Classes will commence at 8am and entry to the grounds will be via the Jane Street entrance.
Gate personnel will advise competitors where their ring will be located as this will be different to the regular show ring placements.
Equine stewards are welcome. For enquiries, phone Leonie Walsh on 0414 893 843.
For program information, keep an eye on the Beaudesert Show Society Facebook page and at https://www.beaudesertshow.org.au/