Delegates from across Queensland will descend on Beaudesert for the U3A Network 2024 State Conference in May next year.
See more photos at end of story, below.
The coup for Beaudesert was announced at the 2023 State Conference in Rockhampton, which Beaudesert U3A President Brendan Dever attended with a contingent of locals.
The University of the Third Age (U3A), which in 2023 celebrates 50 years worldwide, is an international movement for retirees, focused on the joy of learning for the sake of learning.
Beaudesert U3A currently has 335 members and is one of 35 U3As in Queensland with a combined membership of 21,000.
Excitement is already building for Beaudesert to host the 2024 State Conference, which is tipped to attract at least 100 delegates in late May 2024.
Mr Dever said Beaudesert U3A would be arranging excursions to local attractions for delegates before and after the conference, and also for non-delegate partners during the conference. He also said the group has made early contact with local farmers about featuring Scenic Rim produce in catering for conference meals and dinners.
As the 2024 conference will happen around the time of Beaudesert sesquicentennial (B150) Eat Local Month celebrations, Beaudesert U3A have also included the 25 May B150 Gala Dinner and the 1 June start of Eat Local Month in promotions to encourage delegates to extend their stay before and/or after the conference.
Mr Dever said local support for the 2024 conference was already strong, with Beaudesert U3A receiving written welcome messages from Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen, State MP Jon Krause and Federal MP Scott Buchholz. In addition, Mayor Christensen provided a video welcome message.