VIDEO | Woman winched from steep terrain in Scenic Rim

SGAS helicopter
SGAS helicopter

The Roma-based Surat Gas Aeromedical Service (SGAS) helicopter crew winched a woman to safety in the Scenic Rim region on Sunday May 19.

The woman, aged in her 50s, was bushwalking solo when she became lost in steep terrain.

The crew was tasked to the scene at around 1pm after the woman called Triple Zero (000).

Helicopter crew
Helicopter crew

They spoke to her via phone and were guided to her location with support from Queensland Police Service (QPS).

The pilot was able to hover the chopper above, before she was winched into the aircraft from the side of the mountain.

She was treated for minor abrasions by the aeromedical crew, before being airlifted to awaiting QPS officers for transport, in a clearing nearby.

Surat Gas Aeromedical Service (SGAS) was created in 2011 by Arrow Energy, Origin Energy, Shell QGC and Santos to ensure company employees, their contractors and the wider South-Western Queensland community have access to prompt emergency medical services and to minimise the impact on local medical services. They have drawn on the aeromedical experience of Queensland’s iconic LifeFlight, to provide local communities this lifesaving care.

The SGAS partners donate 150 flying hours each year to assure community aeromedical coverage.

Tasked by Queensland Health, the LifeFlight SGAS helicopter and crew performed this mission as part of the SGAS partners’ commitment to providing community aeromedical coverage.

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About Keer Moriarty 508 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.