Relief as roundabout opens

Hohl Plumbing Purchasing Manager Michelle Carroll and Manager Wayne Weiland. Photo by Susie Cunningham.
Hohl Plumbing Purchasing Manager Michelle Carroll and Manager Wayne Weiland. Photo by Susie Cunningham.

Local shopkeepers and motorists impacted by roadworks in Beaudesert CBD have responded with relief to the completion of the roundabout on Selwyn Street and Brisbane Street.

The roundabout, part of Beaudesert’s town centre revitalisation, opened to traffic on 6 February.

It came nearly 10 months after Council announced the project starting on 13 April 2022, at that time expecting it would take six months, pending weather and construction conditions.

In a media release celebrating the completion of the roundabout, Council cited disruptions to the works schedule due to wet weather, resourcing issues and industry delays.

Council also celebrated the extension of Selwyn Street to Helen Street with new car parking on both streets, new pedestrian crossings, new off-street parking for cars and caravans at Davidson Park and stormwater infrastructure on Selwyn, Helen and Hereford streets.

 “The current stages of works on the town centre project are almost complete, with teams carrying out the finishing touches as we plan the third stage of works to improve the drainage system,” Councillor Michael Enright said.

The Beaudesert Bulletin caught up with Hohl Plumbing Purchasing Manager Michelle Carroll and Manager Wayne Weiland, who have had front row seats to the roundabout project from Hohl’s retail shop on the corner of Brisbane Street and Selwyn Street.

“It’s a big relief for us to have the roundabout open – we would have liked a dollar for every time we got asked, ‘when’s it going to open?’” said Michelle.

“Having access from Selwyn Street again is the biggest thing for us. It’s a bit inconvenient that we can’t get semis in and out of the shop as easily, and a number of parks close to us have disappeared and they’ve put them 100m down the road, but that’s about the only downside,” Wayne said.

“The contractors have been as considerate as they can be, and people would say, ‘oh they haven’t been here for two weeks’ and we’d say, ‘yeah but if you go down the back onto Selwyn Street you’ll see where they’ve been.’ People don’t realise the big work they also did down there. You’ve got to go with it, or you’ll give yourself a flaming heart attack.

“There’s only one thing I’d like to see Council do, and that is put some rubbish bins further up the street than down opposite the Council chambers as the last one in town, because all the business owners are forever doing the street cleaning.”

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About Susie Cunningham 567 Articles
Susie is an experienced journalist with a love of sharing local stories and being part of the community. She is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Beaudesert Bulletin, Canungra Times and Tamborine Mountain News.