McAuley Hosts Fuse Esports Cup

McAuley’s Year 7 Esports players: Charlotte Boyle, Riley Mitchell, Nicholas Hack and Oscar Martens.
McAuley’s Year 7 Esports players: Charlotte Boyle, Riley Mitchell, Nicholas Hack and Oscar Martens.

The atmosphere was electric and from the cheers you could be forgiven for thinking you were in the stands of a sports stadium as McAuley College hosted the FUSE Esports Cup, Scenic Rim.

What started as a special interest club for gaming enthusiasts to connect with other students in a positive and social environment has burgeoned into a successful competitive program. 

Students raced in Mario Kart against eight schools including Cantebury College, Tamborine Mountain College, San Damiano College, St Mary’s Primary School, All Saints Anglican School, Boonah State School and Trinity.

McAuley College student Riley Mitchell has been playing Mario Cart for three years, but this was his first year of competition.

He made the final of the FUSE Cup in his division, missing the win by only one point.

“It is stressful and exciting,” he said.

“The other students were supporting me the whole time, every race I had, they were behind me.”

Cathy Hunt is the Esports Coordinator at the school.. 

“Esports was so new when we began playing Nintendo that we really didn’t have any expectations around winning competitions our first teams, it was a focus on wellbeing and relationships.”

“However, we quickly we realised that our students needed to work towards goals and focus their energy on events they could look forward to.”

Cathy explains proudly, “Our students get so excited about their day at school when they know their Esports training is scheduled that the whole college community sees this positive attitude as an integral aspect of the program’s value.”

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About Keer Moriarty 495 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.