Getting seniors up and out

Personal trainer, Kamini Pillay, gets the first group of seniors in Beaudesert moving with a smile.
The recent senior’s health and social program started in Beaudesert is an example of the government's  Seniors Social Isolation funding initiative.

A NEW community initiative aimed at helping seniors get active and out of their lounge chairs has started in Beaudesert.

Titled the Active Living Program for Seniors, the first session was held earlier this month at the CWA Hall in Brisbane Street.

Not for Profit group Able Australia is running the weekly get together and according to their local co-ordinator, Rachelle Williams, the program won’t have a finish date.

“Too many initiatives like this come and go, but this one has no plans of stopping” she said.

“Funding from the State government is behind the project which also recently started in Lowood.

“I’ve already had a senior from there say how she can now climb her stairs at home without losing her breath and she hasn’t been able to do that for months.

“She follows up our weekly class by doing the same exercises at home, which is great.”

The Beaudesert weekly session is held every Wednesday morning and is divided into an easy exercise session for an hour followed by a social morning tea with biscuits for an hour.

Seniors aged over 60 are invited to attend and a small $10 charge covers the program.

It doesn’t matter if you need a walking frame or assistance to get around as the session can be done while seated.

For more details contact Rachelle on 0427 211 816.

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