The Beaudesert CWA is encouraging local students to apply for financial support under the statewide QCWA student bursary program.
Applications are open until 21 February 2022 and all secondary and tertiary students in Queensland can apply.
The QCWA is offering 22 bursaries valued between $500 and $2500 to help students pursue their educational goals.
With 2022 being the centenary of the QCWA there are five new QCWA Centenary Bursaries for students in Nutrition, Agriculture, Education, Physical Education and for an Apprenticeship. Each of these new bursaries is for $2500.
Bursaries are also available for rural studies, vocal or instrumental studies and midwifery and there is a bursary for mature age students.
Beaudesert CWA President Bev Fehlberg said the CWA was proud to support education and encouraged locals to apply.
“Students from Beaudesert are in a good position to take advantage of this because we’re a rural community and there are bursary opportunities specifically for rural studies,” she said.
“Financial help through the apprenticeship bursary would come in handy for local school-based apprentices. It would also be nice to see our locals go for the midwifery bursary, to service our maternity unit at Beaudesert Hospital and to see mature age students, who are quite often the ones who need financial support, go for the mature age bursary.”
For more information and application forms, visit www.qcwa.org.au/student-bursaries and apply by 21 February 2022.