Choir helps kids

Chaplain Anna Nutley (centre) receives the donation from A Choired Taste's Karen Hardgrave and Jo Rose.
Chaplain Anna Nutley (centre) receives the donation from A Choired Taste's Karen Hardgrave and Jo Rose.

A bunch of local singers is investing in the self-confidence and wellbeing of local teenagers through a $500 donation to the Beaudesert High chaplaincy program.

A Choired Taste – the Scenic Rim community choir based in Beaudesert – made the one-off donation to help make a difference locally.

Chaplain Anna Nutley, who works four days a week at Beaudesert High, said the money would be put to good use.

Anna, or ‘Chappy’ as she is called around the school, runs the school’s popular breakfast club from Monday to Thursday, providing a free breakfast to students.

She also runs programs like Rock and Water, aimed at building self-confidence and decreasing bullying, Bella Girl Program, teaching girls about their value, beauty and purpose and library activities like puzzles, Lego, chess, dominoes and marbles.

The chaplaincy program is run through a combination of Federal Government funding, school budget and community fundraising.

Anna said the donation from A Choired Taste would directly benefit local teenagers.

“When we get a donation, we spend it on things we can use for the kids,” she said.

“The breakfast club absolutely goes off and it’s on every morning except Friday, run by me and sometimes some volunteers.

“They’re not just coming for the food, they’re coming for a bit of a chat so it’s a really good time to pep them up for the day, give them some porridge or toast and a milo and ask what they’ve got going on.” 

Karen Hardgrave from A Choired Taste was happy to give back to the community. 

“We wanted to support a locally based organisation providing on the ground help to local people,” she said.

Anna said every dollar counted and thanked A Choired Taste for its donation.

“It is hard to ask people for money in the community and everyone’s giving to so many things, but the high school is such a big part of Beaudesert, and everyone is connected to it in some way,” she said.

“Anything people do to support not just chaplaincy but the school and the school’s Wellbeing Hub it has positive ripple effects.”

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About Susie Cunningham 39 Articles
Susie is an experienced journalist with a love of sharing local stories and being part of the community. She is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Beaudesert Bulletin, Canungra Times and Tamborine Mountain News.