Beaudesert reunion returns!

Shirley Antclff and Judy Balmer. Photo by Keer Moriarty.
Shirley Antclff and Judy Balmer. Photo by Keer Moriarty.

The annual Beaudesert Reunion returns on Saturday 11 March 2023 and this year will be held at St Thomas’ Anglican Church Hall, Albert Street, Beaudesert.

Local residents, people new to town or those who want to reconnect with old and new friends are invited to come along from 9.30am to join in the fun.

This year marks the 71st Reunion, said Shirley Antcliff.

“We invite all past and present residents and their descendants to join us during the day to celebrate with family and friends,” she said.

“Whether you were born or educated in Beaudesert, or resided in the District, please come and re-connect with your friends and relatives at the Reunion.”

Those who attended past reunions thoroughly enjoyed the time they have spent reminiscing and renewing acquaintances.

Entry is $5, with a lucky door prize and raffle which will be drawn on the day. 

Morning tea and refreshments will be provided but attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. 

Proceeds from the day will be donated to the QCWA Public Rural Crisis Fund.

For more information, please contact Judy Balmer on 5541 2172.

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About Keer Moriarty 492 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.