In a move being welcomed by local Queensland Country Women’s Association members, the Beaudesert CWA building is being shifted up the road and getting a major makeover.
The Beaudesert branch, which was formed in the late 1920s, last had a big move after the former CWA Rest Rooms in the vicinity of Beaudesert Hotel burned down in 1946.
The current CWA building next to the Council chambers on Brisbane Street will be relocated to Selwyn Street as part of Council’s Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation Project.
The building will get a new façade and front verandah, new patio, kitchen and toilet facilities at the back and improved parking access.
It is expected to be shifted to Selwyn Street behind Stationmaster House on 29 January for renovations to begin, weather permitting, and members hope to be in the upgraded hall by July 2024.
Council had listed the QCWA building relocation and restoration in phase 2 of the revitalisation, the ‘Proposed new Community Hub and Library’, budgeted for in 2022-2023 with funding support to be sourced.
When the Bulletin caught up with branch President Linda Lynch and past President Bev Fehlberg, they were set to use 94 Brisbane Street, next to the Red Cross Op Shop, as their interim hall from 15 January.
Bev said it was an exciting time.
“We got notification in February 2021, we got the plans in 2022 and it’s going to be welcomed because there’s quite a lot of water damage in the existing building,” she said.
“The façade that was put on to cover in the verandah is in really bad need of restoration because it’s all cracked, and the guttering isn’t coping with the water coming off it.”
Linda said the upgrades would benefit CWA members and those who rent the hall.
“We think it’ll encourage the community to consider us for hiring purposes and provide more opportunities to rent our hall,” she said.
“Council have gone above and beyond what a normal Council would do. It’s taken a long time, but they’ve been keeping us informed about what’s going on.”
Beaudesert CWA will continue to meet each Monday and Thursday and for their monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month.