U3A looks to future

Brendan Dever, Tina Jones, Val Salama, Peter Venz, Trish Gleeson, Di Johnson, Diane Rewko and Pat Hughes. Photo by Susie Cunningham.
Brendan Dever, Tina Jones, Val Salama, Peter Venz, Trish Gleeson, Di Johnson, Diane Rewko and Pat Hughes. Photo by Susie Cunningham.

Beaudesert U3A is building on the work of its hard-working volunteers as it heads into a new term of its committee.

The local branch welcomed new office-bearers and farewelled others at their March AGM at GTM Music Studios in Post Office Square, where U3A has been renting its own office space since July 2023.

At the AGM, Val Salama was elected U3A’s new Secretary and Trish Gleeson was elected Newsletter Editor, taking the reins from Yvonne Berry, who served in both of those roles.

Peter Venz, who was previously Web Manager, was elected the new Treasurer after outgoing Treasurer Stuart Gearey stood down.

Brendan Dever was re-elected President and Tina Tones was re-elected Vice President and Course Coordinator.

Patrick Hughes, Di Johnson, Diane Rewko and Trish Gleeson were elected to the committee and Derani Gearey stood down as Membership Officer.

Mr Hughes took on the role of Social Media Manager, Diane Rewko continues as Publicity Officer and Di Johnson continues as Social Director.

Mr Dever led a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee and all tutors, facilitators and members for their contributions to the success of Beaudesert U3A.

He particularly thanked Mrs Berry for her contributions as Secretary and Newsletter Editor and presented her with a gift. He presented gifts and certificates of appreciation to two of the committee who are not seeking re-election this year, Stuart and Derani Gearey, and thanked them for their contributions.

Mr Dever also thanked Lynette Stewart who was Assistant Secretary and had to stand down because of her husband’s ill health

Outgoing Treasurer, Mr Gearey, noted U3A Beaudesert was in good financial shape, acknowledging support received from the Scenic Rim Regional Council and all venues who enabled U3A Beaudesert to enjoy their sporting and social activities.

Cr Michael Enright, who conducted the election of office bearers and committee, thanked Beaudesert U3A for the role they play in the Beaudesert community.

Mr Dever outlined his wish list for 2023, including a website refresher, member surveys, a review regarding cash reserves and a privacy risk assessment.

There was also talk of member interest in adding kayaking, Japanese and chess to U3A’s repertoire of classes.

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About Susie Cunningham 567 Articles
Susie is an experienced journalist with a love of sharing local stories and being part of the community. She is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Beaudesert Bulletin, Canungra Times and Tamborine Mountain News.