Town Centre Revitalisation

Scenic Rim community members can learn more about the revitalisation of Beaudesert’s town centre at a dedicated information hub.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said Council is providing residents and business owners with opportunities to stay informed on the progress of the revitalisation of the Beaudesert town centre. “We’ve created a welcoming informal space called The Beauy Hub at 113 Brisbane Street, where Council officers and the revitalisation design team will be on hand to answer questions about the project,” Cr Christensen said.

“There will be display panels and a giant map of the town centre precinct showing planned improvements, a video representation of the revitalised town centre, and information about the project stages and the benefits this revitalisation will bring to Beaudesert,” he said.“The Beauy Hub will also be used as a meeting and workshop space for activities related to the project including the recording of local oral histories for the Scenic Rim Story Trail.”

Artist’s impression of the proposed Community Hub building in Brisbane Street.
Source: Scenic Rim Regional Council.
Artist’s impression of the proposed Community Hub building in Brisbane Street.
Source: Scenic Rim Regional Council.

Council says the Beaudesert town centre revitalisation will make infrastructure and streetscape improvements to the heart of the town while maintaining the character of the area and creating welcoming public spaces. Division 4 Councillor Michael Enright said the revitalisation works will address many of the legacy issues including stormwater flooding in our town centre, traffic flows and car parking. “We know there has been many issues with flooding in the past, so it’s fortunate that we have received funding to help with these important capital works,” Cr Enright said.

“As we prepare for the revitalisation, it’s encouraging to see local retailers and business owners taking pride in their street by investing in their shop fronts. This project supports their efforts through the transformation of Brisbane Street from what was predominately a retail strip into a vibrant precinct community and visitors will want to spend more time in.”

The Beauy Hub will open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10 am to 2 pm, starting from Tuesday 6 April. More information about Beaudesert town centre revitalisation and The Beauy Hub program of activities can be found at

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About Keer Moriarty 513 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.