Two sets of Speckle Park twins born within days of each other are growing from strength to strength under the watchful eyes of their mothers.
The adorable black and white calves made national headlines when they were born in late July at Ladybrook Farm in the Kerry Valley.
Story continues after photos, below

Farmer Sue Harrison said the two lots of twins were healthy from the start and bonded pretty early on.
“They usually say with multiples, one usually gets rejected or is a bit smaller but there’s not much difference in those four calves,” she said.
“The two sets of twins, each of them lays together – it’s amazing how the little twins bond. And I think it’s because we separated them pretty much straight away, so the mothers knew they had two calves and now the mothers call them and both calves come running.”
Mrs Harrison said the calves were helped along by their mothers having plenty of milk through a good season and plenty of green pasture to graze on.
It is the first time Ladybrook Farm has experienced two lots of twins being born within days of each other.
The double twins spectacle has brought joy to farm visitors and has also been fun for Ian and Sue Harrison’s grandchildren, who are the eighth generation on the family farm.
Their daughter and seventh generation Kate Harrison, who often spots new calves when she is out greeting campers on the property, said two sets of twins created a bit of excitement.
“We thought one set of twins happens, but two lots of twins only days apart was a bit of a good news story,” she said.
The Harrisons have had Speckle Park cattle, a modern Canadian breed developed in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, for about four years.