Sharyn, Merv and Zac

Merv and Sharyn with Zac the pup. Photo by Susie Cunningham.
Merv and Sharyn with Zac the pup. Photo by Susie Cunningham.

Zac the 10-month-old Jack Russell cross Foxy is a sweet little companion for Beaudesert’s Sharyn and Merv Cattell.

They got Zac from Knapp Creek at eight weeks old after meeting his litter at the markets on a Sunday drive to Kooralbyn.

After losing their beloved cattle dog, Zoe, to an autoimmune disease they were in no hurry to get another dog, but little Zac stole their hearts.

He loves joining them on caravanning adventures and car rides and whenever they’re at home, he’s never far away. Here’s what they have to say about Zac:

“He loves helping me hose the garden and he loves any human food,” said Sharyn.

“He’s different from any other dog we’ve had – he’s more like a meercat when he stands up on his two back legs. He has what we call ‘witching hour’ where he just goes bonkers, running around,” said Merv.

People and their Pets is about celebrating the animal friends in our lives, whether they’re furry, feathered, reptilian, hoofed or pawed. If you’d like us to feature you and your pet, or maybe you’d like to tip us off about a great People and their Pets story, please get in touch via

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About Susie Cunningham 0 Articles
Journalist telling the stories of where I live. I love living and working in Beaudesert and when I'm not working you'll see me walking the dogs with my husband Zac.