Council Watch – 17 June 2022


Thank you to the four Councillors who voted in favour of a review of council meeting procedures and a return to a transparent and open Planning Committee. No prizes for guessing which three opposed the motion.


One of the first requirements of a Mayor should surely be a thick skin. 

When things are not going one’s way, a tantrum ceased to be the appropriate response by around age five.

The Council meeting of 7 June 2022 was a classic example. 

Cr Swanborough was speaking to his motion re the reintroduction of a Planning Committee when the Mayor became “upset”, stating that the Cr’s statements were “disingenuous”, “deeply egregious”, “a serious allegation” and “deeply offensive” – twice, for good measure! 

The called-for apology was not forthcoming even following a first warning regarding conduct. 

Later, the Mayor asked “Did you listen to anything that was being said”….which is heading down the path of the OIA conduct complaint previously upheld against the mayor on 21 September 2021.


Cr Enright tried valiantly to support the Mayor’s position, seeming to pull a rabbit out of the hat by producing an extensive comparison of the content of all Council meetings held in 2018 and 2021.
Cr McInness stated this was “quite irrelevant”. 

I wonder how many council staff hours went into “assisting” to prepare this report? 

Cr Enright also believes everyone can access DAP Online to ascertain development applications and that is transparent enough. 

Hands up those who even know what it is let alone how to access it?


In another win for accountability, a truly independent external person has been appointed to the panel for the recruitment of the CEO.

Development Applications 

RAL22/022 – Oakland Way, Beaudesert. Subdivision one lot into four ranging in size from 5.9ha to 23.1ha.

MCU22/010 – 63 Little Flying Fox Road, Flying Fox. When the four tourist cabins approved in a rural zone simply are not enough…wedding chapel and function centre. Submissions closed 9 June 2022. 16 submissions; five for and 11 against (including two other family members). 

Glad I don’t live on that road.

SRRC Court Cases: Updates

Appeal 518 of 2021 – Council’s appeal – Beaudesert Pig & Calf Saleyards. I attended the final hearing day on 2 June 2022. The Judge has reserved her decision, however this may be some time in coming as she stated she has several decisions outstanding.

Appeal 13762/19 – Supreme Court: Scenic Rim Developments P/L -v- SRRC. Oaklands – Claim for damages. Review date: 28 October 2022.

New Appeal: District Court 627/22 – Claim: Damages. Richardson & others -v- SRRC & GW Civil Contracting P/L & Scenic Rim Developments P/L & Graham Marsh Pty Ltd. Filed 17 March 2022. No details available.

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About Keer Moriarty 511 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.