Australia Day Awards Nominations Recognise Quiet Achievers

Award nominee, Linda Mahaffy. Photo: Susie Cunningham.
Award nominee, Linda Mahaffy. Photo: Susie Cunningham.

Quiet achievers and unsung heroes of the Scenic Rim have been nominated for Council’s 2022 Australia Day Awards.

Beaudesert’s annual Carols on Jubilee Park was amongst the nominees for Community Event of the year.

Led by Beaudesert Rotary, Carols in Jubilee Park brings the community together to celebrate.  

The 2020 carols The collaboration of Rotary and other Beaudesert service clubs including Lions, Zonta, the CWA and Beaudesert Scouts, as well as local businesses, created a safe and joyous event tor all ages and abilities.

Other nominees in this category included Peak Crossing State School 150th anniversary, and Turning Canungra Pink.

There are two nominees in the Citizen of the Year (16 to 30 years) category.  

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Cameron Mansfield of Canungra was nominated for his involvement with the Canungra Owls Soccer Club and musician Clea Pratt of Boonah has put the Scenic Rim on the map by featuring its stunning scenery in music clips for her second album. 

Facebook page administrator, Linda Mahaffy is one of eleven nominees in the Citizen of the Year (31 to 65 years) category.

Linda’s nomination recognises her efforts to promote Scenic Rim businesses, tourism and local events through her social media page, Scenic Rim Information and Events which has attracted more than 7,400 followers. 

She has become a point of contact between businesses, individuals and local organisations which have benefited from her unpaid promotional activities.

Andrew Buchanan has provided stable leadership for the Rathdowney and District Memorial Grounds Association through difficult times – drought, flooding of the arena, major safety upgrades, COVID lockdowns and restrictions – during the past two years.  Many of the activities and projects he has championed will benefit the community for years into the future. 

Cancer survivor, Rhonda Thorpe has  become a strong supporter of the Cancer Council. 

She also volunteers at the Beaudesert Tennis Club and is known for her ready willingness to help others.

Other nominees include Suzanne Bauer, Wes Bust, Bren Dalby, Susie Fenton, Jamie Ferrar, Jon Durand, Shaun Kemp, Graham Stumer.

Citizen of the Year (65+ years) category also had 11 nominees including Beaudesert’s Janice Heit.

Janice Heit with Joanne Heit at the Cenotaph Centenary. 
Photo:  Susie Cunningham.

Janice is known for her visits to elderly residents, brightening their day and bringing lunch or dinner. 

Recently, she assisted the Beaudesert Historical Society to raise funds. 

An inaugural member of the Beaudesert RSL Ladies Auxiliary, Janice is the widow of a veteran and actively supports Legacy Widows.

Maxine Platell’s nomination recognises a lifetime of service to others, beginning as a prefect at Beaudesert State High School in 1967. 

She is a valued member of the Beaudesert Hospital Auxiliary, St David’s Anglican Church Rathdowney, Rathdowney Hall Committee, Boonah Op Shop and Rathdowney Information Centre. 

Long-term member of Beaudesert Historical Society, Ailsa Rolley is the secretary of Scenic Rim Writers Inc, having served as the group’s inaugural president. 

She has volunteered at The Centre Beaudesert for 25 years, contributed to the Scenic Rim Story Trails Project, and has written a number of books.

Other nominees in this category include:  Janis Bailey, Susan Cully, Sandra Evans, Ross and Beryl Martin, Wilson Neuendorf, Barbara Proudman, Judith Roland and Valerie Wiseman.

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About Keer Moriarty 511 Articles
Small town newspaper Editor, journo, social media manager and tea lady.